Privredna banka Zagreb continues to actively implement its environmental protection campaign.
In order to mark this day, during the entire month of June, in over 35 branches across Croatia, we will collect plastic caps, which we will donate to the “With Plastic Caps to Expensive Medicines” (Plastičnim čepovima do skupih lijekova) association at the end of the month. Baskets for the caps are available to both employees and clients, who by collecting plastic caps, preserve the environment and at the same time help the aforementioned association, whose goal is to raise money in an environmentally friendly manner by simultaneously separating waste and protecting the environment. The funds collected will assist patients during their therapy, enable their families to be close to their place of treatment, and finance the necessary medicines.
In addition to the campaign of collecting plastic caps, Privredna banka Zagreb has extended the campaign to the PBZ Energo loans until 30 June 2023:
- lower interest rate than for standard PBZ housing loans
- 50% of the notary fees are borne by PBZ until 30 June 2023 (certification/solemnization of the loan contracts, promissory notes and statements on seizure)
- no cost for the real estate evaluation until 30 June 2023
- more favourable conditions when approving PBZ non-purpose loans, which are intended for clients who have taken out PBZ housing loans with a mortgage, or are in the process of applying for a PBZ housing loan with a mortgage – lower interest rate than the interest rates for standard non-purpose loans.
On 5 June 2023, PBZ Group employees shall attend the “Let’s stop plastic pollution” (Zaustavimo zagađenje plastikom) webinar, in order to increase the awareness of environmental protection and become ambassadors in the application of daily sustainable materials.
In order to mark this day, during the entire month of June, in over 35 branches across Croatia, we will collect plastic caps, which we will donate to the “With Plastic Caps to Expensive Medicines” (Plastičnim čepovima do skupih lijekova) association at the end of the month. Baskets for the caps are available to both employees and clients, who by collecting plastic caps, preserve the environment and at the same time help the aforementioned association, whose goal is to raise money in an environmentally friendly manner by simultaneously separating waste and protecting the environment. The funds collected will assist patients during their therapy, enable their families to be close to their place of treatment, and finance the necessary medicines.
In addition to the campaign of collecting plastic caps, Privredna banka Zagreb has extended the campaign to the PBZ Energo loans until 30 June 2023:
- lower interest rate than for standard PBZ housing loans
- 50% of the notary fees are borne by PBZ until 30 June 2023 (certification/solemnization of the loan contracts, promissory notes and statements on seizure)
- no cost for the real estate evaluation until 30 June 2023
- more favourable conditions when approving PBZ non-purpose loans, which are intended for clients who have taken out PBZ housing loans with a mortgage, or are in the process of applying for a PBZ housing loan with a mortgage – lower interest rate than the interest rates for standard non-purpose loans.
On 5 June 2023, PBZ Group employees shall attend the “Let’s stop plastic pollution” (Zaustavimo zagađenje plastikom) webinar, in order to increase the awareness of environmental protection and become ambassadors in the application of daily sustainable materials.