Sustainability and quality
We are aware that in today’s modern world, business success is not solely quantified by financial results, but also by the commitment to social responsibility and to sustainable development.
Therefore, PBZ has taken on a proactive role in society, initiating and advocating ideas with the aim of enhancing and improving the quality of life in Croatia.
Corporate values
Privredna banka Zagreb is a modern financial institution that is fully aware of its role in and overall influence on Croatian society. The corporate values we apply during everyday business activities not only include business success, but also care for the people, the environment and overall improvement of the quality of life of the community we are active in.
By respecting the characteristic features of the region we conduct our business operations in, we create mutual trust, a sense of belonging, and with it client loyalty.
Relations with stakeholders
Building customer confidence and improving relationships with all walks of life interacting with the Bank are a prerequisite for the continued advancement of our business. With our work activities, we strive to fulfil the needs and expectations of all our stakeholders, starting with care for the needs of our clients and employees via the development of the local communities we are active in and environmental protection, to creating new value for the stakeholders.
We maintain open two-way communication with our stakeholders:
- We systematically inform our stakeholders using traditional channels (press conferences, press releases, advertising, interviews and participation in shows) as well as online channels (web, newsletter, etc.).
- We regularly release reports about the Bank’s business, such as the annual financial statements and other special publications (company profile, macroeconomic projections, weekly projections, etc.).
- For information about our business activities, clients can reach PBZ at any time via the email or the toll-free hotline at 0800 365 365.
- we regularly follow external market research studies, conduct monitoring and our own employee and client satisfaction studies, as well as group focus.
One of the pillars of our business model is trust – trust we give by granting loans and trust we gain through savings. It is an extremely important process, not only allowing the operation of the bank, but also the entire market and economy. Trust is a result of a long-term stable and healthy relationship with our clients based on dialogue, transparent business processes and the quality of our products and services.
In order to improve our relationship with our clients:
- we have made numerous communication channels available, ranging from the wide branch office network for direct contact, a web page, email and a free hotline, to direct mailing, promotional materials, etc.,
- we have made improvements to our complaint management system which we strive to solve promptly and in which we identify room for improvement,
- we are committed to systematically measuring customer satisfaction through numerous research activities that help us create products in line with the wishes and needs of various customer groups, and
- we are constantly supporting innovative solutions that result in new products with the ultimate goal of contributing to the development of the society we live in.
Satisfied and motivated employees are key to achieving our business goals. They are the driving force for company development and a key factor for business success. For this reason, content that boosts our employees’ motivation is methodically developed in Privredna banka Zagreb. PBZ carefully and thoroughly plans the individual growth and continuing education of its employees; we invest in creating a pleasant working environment and strive to provide fertile ground for the fulfilment of professional aspirations. The internal communication system is very well developed and available to all employees via a range of channels: intranet, email, the online magazine entitled “My Bank”, the “PBZXpress” internal bulletin, and internal web TV.
Privredna Banka Zagreb provides punctual, clear and objective information to its shareholders and to the entire financial sector about its business through every available channel and document (annual and periodic reports, Company Profile, corporate management report, overview of corporate social responsibility activities,, press releases, the PBZ Blog, various presentations). The Bank implements the corporate governance code.
Vendors and partners
The main goal of the procurement system improvement is to establish long-term relationships with our vendors and partners. We intensify the cooperation to the satisfaction of both parties involved through dialogue and the exchange of knowledge, as well as a professional approach and a strict adherence to the rules and procedures. A major step in this regard was the implementation of the E-procurement system ensuring transparency and equity in the vendor selection process.
Social community
Privredna Banka Zagreb’s operations cover the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia. PBZ observes the different requirements and needs of local communities and contributes to their development thanks to the active engagement of its regional offices. The Bank is open to cooperation and dialogue with non-profit and non-governmental organizations and readily acts upon initiatives that contribute not only to the economic but also to the social and cultural development of the country.
Together with the Croatian Chamber of Economy as its main partner, the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development (HR BCSD) presents the CSR Index Awards to the companies with the highest achievements in the field of corporate social responsibility.
Privredna banka Zagreb has received a special award for the Socially Responsible Children’s Rights Protection Policy. What makes PBZ stand out are its family practices focused on parents and guardians, student work experiences and scholarships, various benefits for its employees’ children, as well as its impact on the community in the form of donations and the work done by the PBZ Edu volunteers teaching financial literacy.