Loans of credit lines

Go Digital in BiH

Credit line for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises "Go Digital in BiH"
In cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU)

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. BiH joined the EBRD program for strengthening the business of small and medium enterprises in BiH, called "Go Digital in BiH". In this regard, small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina can apply to Intesa Sanpaolo Bank for loans to invest in new equipment and improvements that can help them increase their productivity, reduce operating costs and improve their compliance with EU standards.

What is "Go Digital in BiH"?
The "Go Digital in BiH" program is designed to enable small and medium-sized enterprises in BiH to harmonize their operations with EU standards in the field of environmental protection, safety and health at work, and product quality and safety, increasing the level of automation and digitization in operational processes. Higher levels of digitization strengthen the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, as digital processes improve product quality, worker safety, speed and accuracy of operations, while at the same time reducing failure rates.

Who can apply?
Small and medium enterprises with less than 250 employees
Small and medium-sized enterprises with an annual turnover of no more than 50 million euros
Small and medium-sized enterprises whose assets do not exceed 43 million euros
We draw attention to the fact that the above-mentioned limit values ​​include partner and related companies

What can be achieved?
One company can use up to 1 million euros from the credit line. The mentioned loan funds do not have to be used for one solution. Therefore, several solutions can be combined that ultimately do not exceed the stated amount of the loan.
Loan repayment can be a minimum of 18 months from the date of signing the contract. The maximum amount of the loan repayment period is determined between the Bank and the contracting party.
After the verification of the application by the Independent Consultant, the loan beneficiary can obtain up to 15% of incentives financed by the EU.

How to apply for a loan?

  • Submit your investment plan at the nearest Bank branch and submit a loan application.
  • The bank will assess the creditworthiness of your company, ask you to fill out application questionnaires and forward your investment plan to the Program's project consultants.
  • A consulting team, consisting of international and local experts, will review the plan and, if appropriate, help optimize the plan.
  • The bank grants a loan based on the final investment plan.
  • After the complete implementation of the project, the investment project will be verified by the verification consultant of the Program.
  • After successful verification, the EU grant will be paid into your company's account.

For more information about the "Go Digital in BiH" credit line, feel free to contact your nearest Intesa Sanpaolo Bank branch.

In partnership with:

EBRD Go Green

Intended to help micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in adopting green technologies and sustainable practices, and improving competitiveness and compliance with EU technical standards and other internationally recognized standards, especially in the field of environmental protection, occupational safety and product quality and safety.

Incentive for investments: 15% loan/investment cost for investing in renewable energy sources, agribusiness and value chains; and 10% for other investments.


Credit Guarantee Fund Razvojna Banka FBiH

Loans for exporters, large companies, micro, small and medium-sized companies, craftsmen and other independent economic activities, agriculture and the food industry with the guarantee of the FBiH Government Fund.

Financing of current liquidity and trades, and financing of fixed assets, all with the aim of providing support for the initiation of new business activities, growth and development of existing ones, increased competitiveness, innovation and employment.

World Bank credit line in cooperation with the Razvojna Banka of FBiH

Recovery and support project for companies (SME companies with declining turnover, women's inclusive companies, young companies and companies in less developed regions).

Financing of fixed and working capital.

Nova kreditna linija u saradnji sa Srednjebosanskim Kantonom

Finansiranje/kreditna sredstva privrednim društvima i obrtnicima za produktivnije poslovanje i rast privrednih aktivnosti, kako bi se omogućilo pokretanje nove i održavanje postojeće proizvodnje, pružanje usluga, veća iskorištenost kapaciteta, održavanje postojećih radnih mjesta i novo zapošljavanje i povećanje izvoza. Pogodnost za klijente: Subvencija plaćene kamate 75%.

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