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ELBA Verification of payment slips

Important notice

In order to improve electronic banking services, starting 01st March 2018, Elba service access will not be supported by older versions of Internet programs. We recommend that on computers which use Windows XP, you update Internet Explorer or install newer versions of Firefox or Chrome software.

What is ELBA service?

What is ELBA service?

The electronic banking service – ELBA, is information service of the Bank that allows user making financial transactions and viewing balance of account via global computer network – Internet.

Possibilities offered by ELBA include

Possibilities offered by ELBA include

  • View of all products you use in Intesa Sanpaolo Banka (accounts, savings, loans, and cards). 
  • Payment services in the country and abroad. 
  • Money transfer and conversion services. 
  • Sample and package management. 
  • Range of other options and benefits.


Checking of payment slips

Checking of payment slips

If you made a payment using electronic banking service, here you can control the payment. It is necessary to enter the control number from Payment Confirmation in the shown empty field.



For information about ELBA, please contact:

For information about ELBA, please contact:

How can you protect yourself?

How can you protect yourself?

Protect your computer.

These are some of the ways you can protect your computer to keep your data safe.

1. Equip your computer with:

  • Comprehensive antivirus and anti-spyware software
  • Up-to-date Internet browser
  • Firewall

2. Create quality passwords

  • Avoid passwords that contain personal information such as birthdays or pet names.  
  • Don't choose passwords that contain dictionary words, names, parts of names, phone numbers, dates, etc.  
  • Choose strong passwords that are easy to remember and very hard to guess  
  • Never share or write down passwords  
  • Choose a different password for each account.  For example, using the same password for an online shopping website and social network can increase the risk of identity theft or fraud.

3. Browse the Internet safely

  • To ensure that you are on the right Intesa Sanpaolo Bank website, please check your browser bar before logging in.  
  • Make sure that the appropriate security settings are in place, such as up-to-date antivirus software and up-to-date applications and operating systems.  
  • Be careful when downloading applications.  Only install applications from trusted, known websites .  
  • Avoid using Digital banking services on public or free Wi-Fi networks and ensure that information is sent over secure links.  
  • Turn on “pop-ups” blocking feature in your browser 
  • Avoid accessing financial accounts from multiple computers or devices  
  • Do not select "remember password".  If you choose to do so, anyone who has access to your computer/session can log in on your behalf.
How can the Bank protect you?

How can the Bank protect you?

The "ELBA" Internet Banking service contains leading security features that allow you to be more secure and carefree in money management.  Taking extra security measures to protect yourself adds another layer of protection to your online experience.

1. Make sure you're on the correct website:

To ensure that you are on the right Intesa Sanpaolo Banka web site https://intesasanpaolobanka.ba/, please check the following before login:

  • Green text:  Connection is secure 
  • There is a padlock or key icon in the address bar, in the upper left corner

2. Guaranteed security of Digital Banking:

We use safe and secure digital banking that helps protect against fraudulent online banking transactions, protects your financial information and covers the timely processing of your payments.

3. Check account activity

Digital banking provides you with a convenient way to check your payment activities and detect fraud early.  If you encounter suspicious activity in your account, Digital Banking helps you detect fraudulent activity early and ensures prompt intervention by the Bank.

4. Security technology

Digital banking uses industry-standard security protocols to establish a security environment to protect the user's personal/financial information and credentials.

Types of online fraud

Types of online fraud

1. Phishing and spoofing

Phishing and spoofing email messages ask you to visit a fake website that looks like an Intesa Sanpaolo Banka page and enter your personal account information. In these messages, they may ask you to call your phone number and provide your account information.

Ways you can identify phishing and spoofing e-mail messages include:

  • Requests for personal information.  Intesa Sanpaolo Banka will never ask you to respond to e-mails with personal information such as national identification number or PIN.
  • Emergency calls and appeals.  We will never claim that your account will be closed if you do not confirm, check or verify your personal information via email.
  • Messages about system updates and security updates.  We will never claim that you need to confirm important information for upgrades or claim that you need to update your information on the Internet. 
  • Offers that sound too good to be true.  For example, you may be asked to complete a short customer service survey in exchange for money and then provide your account number in order to receive that money.
  • Obvious typos and other errors.  These are often signs of fake emails and fake websites.  Pay attention to typos and grammatical errors, clumsy language, and poor visual design.

Ways you can protect yourself from online phishing and fraudulent emails

  • To ensure that you are on the right Intesa Sanpaolo Bank website, please check your browser bar before login
  • Delete any suspicious emails you receive before you click any of the links(s) or replying to any message

2. Malware

  • Malware includes viruses, Spyware, and Trojan Software that are designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system, steal personal information, and commit fraud.
  • There are a few simple ways you can reduce risk of becoming infected with Malware:
  1. Never download any file or attachment if you are not absolutely sure what it is and who it is from
  2. Never click on an ad that asks for personal or financial information
  3. Update your security software and system software antivirus in order to protect your computer from Malware

3. VISHING – voice phishing

Vishing (combination of the words Voice and Phishing) is a telephone scam in which scammers try to deceive a bank customer in revealing personal, financial or security information or transferring money.

What can you do?

  • Beware of unknown phone calls.
  • Write down the number of the person who is calling you and tell him that you will call him back.
  • Find the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank phone number and contact the Bank to request more information. 
  • Do not confirm personal data over the phone.
  • Do not assume that a caller is authentic just because they have details about you that they may have collected from social media.
  • Do not share PIN of your credit or debit card  nor your credentials for on-line banking.  Intesa Sanpaolo Bank will never ask for such confidential details.
  • Do not transfer money to another account upon their request. Intesa Sanpaolo Banka will never ask you to do that

4. ONLINE SHOPPING SCAMS – On-line fraud

On-line deals are often a good buy, but beware of scams.

What can you do? 

  • Use well-known domestic retail websites when possible (for example,  www.konzum.ba)  – if a problem arises, you are more likely to solve the problem more safely and quickly.  
  • Do research on the product - read reviews before buying.
  • User credit cards, because you have more chances to get your money back.
  • Pay only using the "3D Secure" payment service - are they asking for a money transfer service or bank transfer? Think carefully!
  • Only pay when connected to a secure internet connection – avoid using free or open public WiFi.
  • Pay only on safe - own devices - regularly update your operating system and security software.
  • A pop-up ad (POP-up)in which it is stated that you have won a prize - Think carefully, you might just download a Malware virus.
  • If you do not receive the product you paid for, please contact the seller. If there is no answer, contact Intesa Sanpaolo Banka.

5. INVESTMENT SCAMS – Investment fraud

Common investment scams involve investment opportunities such as stocks, bonds, rare metals, foreign investments in land  or alternative energy.

How to recognise? 

  • You receive spam call several times. 
  • They promise you a quick return, assuring you that your investment is safe.
  • The offer is available for a limited period of time only. 
  • The offer is available only to you and you are asked not to share it. 

What can you do?

  • Always seek advice from Intesa Sanpaolo Bank before handing over money or an investment. 
  • Do not accept calls related to investment opportunities.
  • Be suspicious of offers, promising safe investment, guaranteed yield and big profits.
  • Beware of future scams. 
  • In case you have doubt, report to the police.

6. ROMANCE SCAM – romance fraud

Scammers target victims on dating websites, but may also use social media or email to establish contact.

How to recognise? 

  • Someone you recently met on-line expresses strong feelings for you, seeking private correspondence and "deeper" acquaintance.
  • His/her messages are very often poorly written and unclear.
  • His/her on-line profile doesn't match what he/she tells you. 
  • Very often he asks you to send him/her your intimate pictures or videos.
  • First they gain your trust. Then they ask you for money, gifts or your bank account /credit card details.  
  • If you don't send money, they may try to blackmail you, and if you do, know that they will ask for more, or more precisely, they will never stop.

What can you do? 

  • Be very careful about how much personal information you share on social media and dating sites. 
  • Always consider the risks. Fraudsters are present on the most reputable websites.
  • Go slowly and ask questions.
  • Explore the person's photo and profile to see. 
  • Be careful with spelling and grammar mistakes, as well as with the fact that they have excuses, e.g. their video camera does not work; do not fall for such excuses. 
  • Do not share any compromising material that could be used for your blackmailing.  
  • If you agree to meet in person, inform family and friends or those closest to you, where you are going and with whom you will meet.
  • Beware of money requests. Never send money or reveal details on credit cards, data on on-line account information or copies of personal documents. 
  • Avoid sending advance payments.  
  • Do not pay for illegal services: Money laundering is a criminal offence.

Are you a victim?

  • Don't feel embarrassed!
  • Stop all contact immediately.
  • If possible, record all communications, such as chat messages. 
  • Report the incident to the police.
  • Report it at the location where the scammer first approached you.
  • If you have stated account details, please contact Intesa Sanpaolo Banca.


Smishing (a combination of the words SMS and identity theft) is an attempted fraud where the scammer obtains personal, financial or security information via SMS.

How to recognise?

  • The text message usually asks you to click on an iInternet link or call a phone number to 'confirm', 'update' or 'reactivate' your account. But … the link goes to a fake website and the phone number leads you to a scammer pretending to be a legitimate company. 

What can you do? 

  • Do not click on links, attachments or images you receive in spam text messages without first checking the sender.
  • Take your time. Take your time and do the proper checks before you respond.
  • Never respond to a text message that asks for your PIN or password for your on-line banking or any other security information.
  • If you think you may have replied to an unpleasant text and provided your bank details, contact the Bank immediately.

8. SPOOFED BANK WEBSITES – scams through phishing websites

Email addresses for phishing banks usually contain links that will take you to a fake Bank website, where you are requested to reveal your personal and financial information.

How to recognise? 

Fake bank websites look almost identical to their legitimate websites. Such sites often have a pop-up window, asking you to enter your personal and confidential information. Legitimate Bank pages do not use such windows.

What can you do?

  • Never click on links in emails that go to your bank's website.
  • Always enter the web page manually. 
  • Use secure internet browsers, which allow you to block pop-up windows.
  • If the Bank needs to draw your attention to something important, the Bank will warn you about it when you access your on-line account, for example, mobile banking applications, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I received a suspicious email, what should I do?

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank d.d. Bosnia and Herzegovina and/or its employees will never ask clients for financial, demographic or login information via e-mail or any other means of communication.

I gave my personal data on-line, what should I do?

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank d.d. Bosnia and Herzegovina and/or its employees are not responsible for damage. Find the contact number on the official website of Intesa Sanpaolo Banka dd Bosnia and Herzegovina and call the free info phone for customer support.