ELBA – Electronic banking
You have too many commitments and only short time to visit the Bank? Have easier business with the help of ELBA electronic banking of Intesa Sanpaolo Banka and make your transactions wherever you are.
You can take application form below or in your nearest branch.
Characteristics of ELBA electronic banking are:
- safe using of payment system in the country and abroad,
- view of balance, turnover, and statements on accounts,
- view of exchange rate list of Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. BiH,
- import and export of orders and statements in/from your applications according to defined format,
Advantages of ELBA electronic banking are:
- access to your accounts 24/7 from any place and anytime,
- saving time and money,
- safe and fast making of transactions.
For more information, please contact:
- E-mail: sb@intesasanpaolobanka.ba
- Toll-free number 080 020 307
- Visit the nearest branch of the Bank