Media release 18.11.2024

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka continues supporting Sarajevo National Theatre 

Sarajevo 18.11.2024, Intesa Sanpaolo Banka and the Sarajevo National Theatre continue their cooperation for the third year in succession. Following excellently implemented projects in the past two years such as creating a completely new web site, providing free WiFi to Sarajevo residents and visitors in the Susan Sontag Square in front of the National Theatre building, box office digitalisation, the time has come for a new type of cooperation which will facilitate the work of employees of this Institution, and provide for an entirely new experience to the visitors.

"It gives me great pleasure that this year we continue supporting the oldest cultural institution in BIH. The Sarajevo National Theatre, having over a hundred-year long tradition deserves every kind of support, especially our support, given that the culture, tradition and arts have been embedded into the history of Intesa Sanpaolo. One of the important tasks for the Intesa Sanpaolo Banka is to support the local community that includes, among other things, the institutions such as theatres which are indispensable in development of a society in terms of culture, arts and tradition preservation”, said Michele Castoro, President of the Management Board of Intesa Sanpaolo Banka.

The Cooperation Agreement has been signed by the Management Board President of Intesa Sanpaolo Banka, Michele Castoro and the Director of the Sarajevo National Theatre, Dino Mustafić, who, on that occasion, said: “The Sarajevo National Theatre is proud of its three-year long cooperation with Intesa Sanpaolo Banka as its strategic partner that has recognised social and artistic significance of the activities and operation of the oldest theatre in BiH. Continuing this cooperation, the Sarajevo National Theatre is following the path that brings it closer to the European service standard for our audience. We express our sincere gratitude and looking forward to continuing cooperation with Intesa Sanpaolo Banka that once again showed its sensibility toward the high art“. 

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka has been following and supporting the institutions and events of general significance to the society where this Bank operates, and it will continue being supportive in this regard in the future.