Who we are

About Intesa Sanpaolo

About Intesa Sanpaolo

With a strategic international presence the Intesa Sanpaolo Group is one of the top banking groups in Europe with approximately 4,650 branches and 20,5 million customers. It’s global network is comprised of International Subsidiary Banks operating in 12 countries in Central Eastern Europe, Middle Eastern and North African regions. It also maintains an International Corporate Network formed of Corporate Hubs, Representative Offices, Branches and Banks active in 25 countries across the globe.

About Intesa Sanpaolo Banka BiH

About Intesa Sanpaolo Banka BiH

Welcome to Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. Bosnia and Herzegovina, a Bank for all that counts.   

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka is a commercial bank and it is among the leading banks in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Bank provides all types of banking services in domestic and foreign currency with a wide portfolio of services intended for corporate and retail banking.  The Bank operates through 5 main regional branches and 44 agencies and it has an extensive network of ATMs and POS devices. The Bank operates throughout BiH market.

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. BiH is a member of the PBZ Group, which is also a part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, one of the largest banking groups in Europe.

Intesa Sanpaolo operates in 12 countries of the Central and Eastern European region and Mediterranean Basin, through its banks subsidiary banks, via 1,400 branches and more than 8 million customers.

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka
For all that counts.

HQ and Basic info

HQ and Basic info


Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. Bosna i Hercegovina

COMPANY (short name)
Intesa Sanpaolo Banka


Obala Kulina bana 9a, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel. 033/ 497-555
Fax 033/ 497-589

Web: www.intesasanpaolobanka.ba
E-mail: info@intesasanpaolobanka.ba

Name and surname of the authorized person

Michele Castoro

Identification No – ID


Tax No.    


Code of activity    


Transaction account No.


VAT Payer (Yes-No)


ID No. of VAT Payer


No. of Court's decision

Sarajevo Cantonal Court, No. 65-02-0009-11

Amount of subscribed and paid capital of the bank:

44,782 thousand KM

Vision, goal and mission

Vision, goal and mission


Our vision is to dedicate all of our talent and our experience to meeting of our clients’ needs and to maintain a permanently high quality in all segments of our business operations, for the benefit of our shareholders, employees, and the social community.


Our goal is to retain the position of an important entity in the economic development of the country, through new offers and activities, by investing into our personnel and into new technologies, by improving individual approach to clients, and by continuously introducing new modern products and services.


Our mission is to ensure continuous utilization of the resources available, through expansion and improvement of our supply, prices and quality of services for our clients, while retaining the highest service levels, aimed at improvement of our overall business operations.

Bodies of the Bank

Bodies of the Bank

Supervisory Board

  • Dario Massimo Grassani, President
  • Petar Sopek, Deputy President
  • Michela Boiocchi, Member
  • Jadranko Grbelja, Member
  • Ivana Jović, Member
  • Massimo Malagoli, Independent member
  • Alden Bajgorić, Independent member

Audit Committee

  • Florion Tefiku, Chairman
  • Valentina Nuccio, Member
  • Ana Jadrešić, Member
  • Davor Vodanović , Permanent attendee
  • James Vason, Permanent attendee

Internal Auditing Department

  • Muamera Zuko, Head of Department

Management Board

  • Michele Castoro, President of the Management Board
  • Minja Filipović, Deputy President of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board
  • Indira Karamustafić, Member of the Management Board - CRO
Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

Alike the main group, we applied the organizational model in which the competences and operations are divided into divisions, departments and units. This business model allows us to develop specialized service models in order to best answer to our clients’ needs, at the same time using our comprehensively developed business network and creating conditions for strong growth and development in the future.

Organizational scheme

History of the Bank

History of the Bank

  • About the UPI Banka d.d. Sarajevo

The UPI Banka was established in 1972 as an internal bank of the corporate system of the Udružena poljoprivreda, prehrambena industrija i promet (Associated Agriculture and Food Industries and Sales), aimed at supporting the operations of these sectors, which at the time employed more than 35,000 employees. Upon the same principle, internal banks were also organized in other sectors, and the UPI Banka was among the strongest.
Since 1990, a new phase came in the development of the UPI Banka, when it was registered as a shareholding company and it was in a majority state ownership (92 per cent). The Bank started with expansion of the network of corporate clients, focusing on the sector of small and medium entrepreneurship.

During the 1992-1996 war in BiH, the UPI Banka maintained its operations even under difficult conditions.

As early as in 2000, through the emission of shares, the Bank was fully transferred into the hands of private capital, even before the law on privatization came into effect. The UPI Banka was among the first in BiH to obtain the certificate from the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Further increase of capital and development of the Bank were significantly boosted through obtaining of the credit line from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and since 2003, this financial institution also became one of the major shareholders of the UPI Banka.
For the five successive years, the UPI Banka paid dividend to its shareholders, and after the entry of the EBRD into the ownership structure, the profit was directed into capital strengthening.

The UPI Banka has joined the SWIFT since 1997, and has been a member of the WESTERN UNION network since 2002.

  • Acquisition of the UPI Banka by the Intesa Sanpaolo

The major corporate event in 2005, opening up a new stage in development of the Bank, was the change of its ownership structure and involvement of the strategic partner, Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy), as the majority shareholder.

In early 2005, activities were undertaken for selection of the strategic partner of the Bank, and invitations were sent out to the potential investors for submission of bids for acquisition of the majority package of equity shares. This initiative was responded by six banking houses. In the second round of selection, the representatives of four banking institutions conducted the due diligence of the UPI Banka, following which bids were submitted.

The consortium of the largest shareholders of the UPI Banka selected the bid from Intesa Sanpaolo as the most favorable one and the procedure was undertaken to obtain the required approvals from the Banking Agency of FBiH and the Central Bank of Italy, on December 12, 2005, the sales transaction was announced at the Sarajevo Stock Exchange (SASE), and the Intesa Sanpaolo became the owner of 35.03% of the shares of the UPI Banka. In block transactions, Sarajevska pivara d.d. Sarajevo, Klas d.d. Sarajevo, Bosna Re d.d. Sarajevo, and Coning d.d. Varazdin (Croatia) sold their equity shares to the Intesa Sanpaolo.

  • Merger with the LT Gospodarska Banka

The general shareholder meetings of the UPI Banka d.d. Sarajevo and the LT Gospodarska Banka d.d. Sarajevo, held on June 18, 2007, passed the final Decision on Merger of the LTG Bank to the UPI Banka as of July 31, 2007. The new integral Bank continued operating under the name of the UPI Banka.

The procedure for merger of the LTG Banka to the UPI Banka was initiated by the members of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, the Privredna Banka Zagreb d.d. (PBZ), as the majority owner of the LTG Banka, with 66.99% voting rights, and by the Intesa Holding International Luxembourg (IHI), as the majority owner of the UPI Banka, with 81.18% voting rights.

After the merger, according to the proposed swap proportion in the ownership structure of the new UPI Banka, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group became the owner of a total of 77.17% regular shares of the UPI Banka carrying voting rights (of which 58.22% for IHI, and 18.95% for PBZ), whereas the rest of the 7.17% remained in the ownership of the EBRD, and 15.66% in the ownership of small shareholders.

During the year of 2011, Intesa Sanpaolo Group acquired additional shares, including the ownership of EBRD, and became the owner of 94,92 % of total shares of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank d.d. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During 2015, within Intesa Sanpaolo Group, to which this Bank belongs to, the restructuring was implemented by changing the control over the subsidiary company with the seat in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Intesa Sanpaolo Bank d.d. BiH. The restructuring was done in the manner that the entire control package of shares of the issuer Intesa Sanpaolo Banka BiH, which was in the ownership of Intesa Sanpaolo Holding International S.A. Luxemburg, was acquired by Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.
In this way, in the middle of 2015, Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., after the acquisition of 94.94% of total issued voting shares, became the new owner of Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. BiH.
The aim of this step was to reach optimum synergy effects that may be attained between Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. and Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. BiH after the transfer of control package of shares.

After the status changes of the merger of LT Gospodarska banka with UPI banka, UPI Banka continued to operate until 2008, after which Banca Intesa group carried out re-branding and officially started operating as Intesa Sanpaolo Banka d.d. Bosnia and Herzegovina from August 20, 2008. year, whose majority owner today is Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. with 99.9% of shares.

  • Change of the name and corporate identity

Pursuant to the decision of the Strategic Committee of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, on January 14, 2008, a re-branding program was presented to the public, aimed at harmonizing the image of all member banks of the Group. Pursuant to the adopted program, the UPI Banka received a new logo and a new name – Intesa Sanpaolo Banka Bosna i Hercegovina. The formal legal procedure for new registration has been completed and since then the Intesa Sanpaolo Banka Bosna i Hercegovina has been operating on the market.
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, one of the leading banking groups in Europe. The Intesa Sanpaolo Group operates in 13 countries via its subsidiaries in the Central and Eastern Europe region, and has 1,800 branches and 8,6 million clients.

  • Services

Intesa Sanpaolo Banka Bosna i Hercegovina is a commercial bank of the universal type, fully licensed for all types of banking transactions in domestic and foreign currencies. The range of services is focused both on corporate and retail banking.

  • Plans

The long-term commitment of the Intesa Sanpaolo Banka Bosna i Hercegovina is to maintain the high quality of its services in order to retain the existing clients and to work with them on continuous increase in the scope of cooperation, and to offer new and potential clients such services that they can not receive at other banks.

The fulfillment of this goal will require additional capitalization, securing of long-term credit lines under favorable terms, expansion of the corporate network, and provision of attractive products. An enhanced technical level, increase in the number of employees, and their training, are all objectives that need to bring about strengthening of the Bank, and offer of better quality and more favorable services to clients, thus allowing for conquering of a larger market share in BiH.