Contract extension conditions

The possibility of contracting deposits/savings with automatic renewal


Automatic renewal for deposit/saving

At the end of the term, your deposit/savings will be re-terminated

Automatic renewal with the same rate

Automatic renewal with the same type of interest that was contracted

In case automatic renewal was agreed for you deposit/savings, upon its expiry, it will be renewed under the following conditions

  • To the same deadline.
  • With new interest rate valid on the day of extending agreement. Term deposit are available in all branches of the Bank.
  • Deposit/savings is automatically renewed with the same type of interest rate which was agreed, fixed or variable. Variable interest rate consists of referent interest rate valid on the day of extending Agreement (variable part of interest rate) and corrective factor (invariable part of interest rate).
  • Deposit/savings owner has the right, if he/she does not want to extend it, without fee and with interest agreed for the expired term period, to terminate the Agreement on general-purpose term deposit in domicile currency at the latest in 30 (thirty) days as of receiving the notification.
Contract extension conditions
For more information, please contact

For more information, please contact