Program SUPER ŠT-OS je idealna kombinacija štednje i osiguranja od posljedica nezgode za djecu i omladinu koji omogućava naknadu za slučajeve nezgode i štednju kojom ćete osigurati sredstva za njihov bezbrižan početak samostalnog života.
Experiencing insurance expiration
- At the end of the insurance, when the insured reaches the age of 19, the guaranteed contracted insured sum and a share of the profit are paid out.
Hospital allowance
- The agreed amount is paid for each night spent in the hospital due to illness or accident of the insured.
Permanent disability due to an accident
- In the event of permanent disability, the following is paid: the guaranteed contracted insured sum corresponding to the percentage of permanent disability determined for permanent disability up to 50%, and above that the percentage is twice as high. For example, if 80% disability is established, 50% + (2×30%) = 110% is paid.
Bone fracture
- If the accident results in a broken bone of the insured, compensation in the amount of €100 or €200 is paid, regardless of the possible compensation for permanent disability and regardless of the number of broken bones.
Funeral expenses due to an accident
- Funeral expenses are reimbursed, but at most up to the amount of the contracted insured sum, as well as the paid savings premium increased by the profit attributed until then.