A'vista saving

Save without effort.

Benefits of A'vista savings

Save as much as you want

Savings according to your wishes.

Different currencies

Option to choose currency.

Excellent condition

Fixed interest rate.

Savings deposits and sight accounts in domicile currency BAM

Interest rates to savings deposits and sight accounts are agreed upon as fixed and amount to:

Types of accounts and deposits

Nominal interest rate (NIR)

Effective interest rate (EIR)*

Savings deposits

0.01 %

0.01 %

Retail current accounts

0.01 %

0.01 %

Giro accounts of citizens

0.01 %

0.01 %

*EIR – Effective interest rate is equal to the nominal interest rate.

Foreign currency savings deposits and sight accounts

For foreign currency savings deposits and sight accounts, regardless of the amount of deposit, the Bank offers the fixed interest rates in the following manner:


Nominal interest rate (NIR)

Effective interest rate (EIR)*


0.01 %

0.01 %


0.01 %

0.01 %


0.01 %

0.01 %


0.01 %

0.01 %


0.01 %

0.01 %


0.01 %

0.01 %

* EIR – The effective interest rate is equal to the nominal interest rate.

For more information, please contact

For more information, please contact